Lead Pastor

Scott Reed

Hello! My name is Scott and I have served at CrossWalk since 2021.

Here are some interesting facts about my family. My wife, Kendra, and I met in college and have been married for over 10 years. One of us is significantly taller than the other. Our three children are objectively the cutest children that have ever existed—this has been proven by science. We have had the pleasure of living in Monroe since 2015, and we think Vince’s and Monroe’s Original are basically the same restaurant.

Here are some interesting facts about me, one of which is not true: I grew up in Africa, I was once struck by lightning while playing video games, I am fluent in three dead languages, and I can solve a Rubik’s cube in under a minute. If you want to know which one is false, come talk to me!

What’s that? You want to know about my credentials? Well, I earned a Bachelor of Theology and a B.A. in Christian Ministry from Ozark Christian College. I briefly attended the School of Hard Knocks, but dropped out to focus on my modeling career. I’m also a Notary Public for some reason.